
sexta-feira, abril 21, 2017

"Women Of Punk" - reportagem áudio na BBC

A BBC Radio 4 disponibilizou online um programa intitulado "Women Of Punk", trata-se de uma reportagem radiofónica em jeito de entrevista, com a presença de cinco mulheres ligadas ao movimento, exactamente:

Gaye Advert (The Adverts), Toyah Willcox, Gina Birch (Raincoats), Tessa Politt (Slits) e Vivien Goldman (Flying Lizards).

For many young people, Britain in the late 1970s was a place without hope. Unemployment was high. The value of the pound was low and, despite the feminist activity of the early 1970s, the most many girls aspired to was to marry well and look good.
Female role models were hard to fine - especially in music. The only all-girl troupes on Top of the Pops were Legs and Co.
Then punk happened.
Sue MacGregor reunites five musicians who embraced the anarchy of punk music and created a unique style of their own.

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