quarta-feira, março 17, 2021

The Clash - "The Punk History Lesson of »Spanish Bombs»"

O site Glickmanonline publicou recentemente uma reportagem sobre o famigerado tema da banda inglesa The Clash...

“Spanish Bombs” was released on the seminal double album London Calling by British punk band The Clash in 1979. London Calling is not only one of the greatest albums of all time, it also features what I would argue is the very best album cover of all time.

“Spanish Bombs” was released on the seminal double album London Calling by British punk band The Clash in 1979. London Calling is not only one of the greatest albums of all time, it also features what I would argue is the very best album cover of all time.

Though the song refers to the Spanish Civil War of the 1930’s, it is really a reflection on battles going on in current day Spain, England and Ireland, and how the places of great tragedy and art have come to be treated only as places for tourists to visit on their vacations.

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