
sexta-feira, julho 28, 2023

"My Buddha Is Punk"

Exibição do filme/documentário "My Buddha Is Punk" (2015) em Kreuzberg, Berlim (Alemanha)...


Kyaw Kyaw, a 25-year-old Burmese Punk, obsessively tries to develop the Punk scene in Myanmar. Although the former military dictatorship has experienced a number of democratic reforms, Kyaw Kyaw remains skeptical. 

In his view, his country has not changed yet. 

Together with his Punk band Kyaw Kyaw raises awareness for the continuing violation of human rights. Through his music and demonstrations, he criticizes the on-going civil war and the prosecution of ethnic minorities. 

He travels through the country to promote his own philosophy among the young generation: A symbiosis of Buddhism and Punk that rejects any religious rules and political doctrine. 

But while fighting for freedom and preaching for the importance of individual autonomy, he faces the difficulty to remain true to one's own ideals.


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