Foi o caso do fim-de-semana passado...
Chamam-se The Daves...

So, how did The Daves come about?
Well.....Dave used to be in a band with Dave as well as Dave who was in a previous band with Dave. Dave and Dave had talked about getting something together just to go out and do some covers and have a laugh.
Dave and Dave got in touch with Dave who joined up and then Dave bumped into Dave who had just moved back into the area. Dave joined up too and The Daves were complete.
Things didn't work out with Dave but Dave gave Dave a call and he joined.......confused?
We'd all been out of bands for a while and decided that we couldn't quite accept that we'd become grown ups so we dusted off our instruments and here we are.
Os Daves são uma banda algo (bastante) influênciada pelos Ramones e fez uma série de versões punk rock bem descontraídas de temas conhecidos, alguns verdadeiros hinos do punk, outros... nem por isso...
Para conhecê-los basta clicar aqui e podem ouvir uma série de temas bem curiosos...
O site da banda é simples mas eficaz... (deve ter sido elaborado pelo Dave...)
Sem dúvida que merece a pena...
1 comentário:
Thanks, Lena...
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